The new beginning of sports activities after the long suspension of the initial period of the pandemic occurred in September 2020.
The new beginning was made possible by following a series of rigorous health protocols, which have as their purpose the safety of the students and professors of the institution. The protocols include the constant use of the mask, social distance of at least 2 meters between the pupils, the use of a sanitizing mat at the entrance of the structure for the disinfection of shoes, temperature measurement and periodic hand hygiene. In addition to this, the materials used as well as the space of the gym are regularly sanitized with a special product, called ammonium quaternary, indicated by ANVISA for cleaning and sanitizing as a prevention of the spread of Coronavirus.
The return of the activities has led to several innovations, including the start of female 5-a-side football, following the fervent request of a group of girls. In addition, sports traditionally played before the pandemic are back, such as handball, basketball (both male and female) and men’s football.
The number of pupils per training is limited to 10. The groups were then reorganized according to the age group. All the pupils, regardless of age, have responsibly adhered to the requests of the new protocols, showing that there has been a change in the way they behave, suited to the new moment that we are all experiencing as a consequence of the spreading of the pandemic.
Under the mask it is possible to see the cheerful smile of the boys and girls because they are finally allowed to practice sport again. And not only … it´s allowed to return to attend and share with friends and teachers the environment of the João Paulo II Educational Center. In pandemic days, the smile is only visible in the lines of the eyes above the mask!
“The eyes are the window of the soul.”
Edgar Allan Poe
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