Separate collection and recycling

15 / 05 / 2019

Separate collection and recycling

A project to raise awareness on environmental protection aimed at children and young adults, with the goal of showing their role as active citizens in the society and in the world.

The Separate collection and Recycling Project at the João Paulo II Educational Centre has the aim of helping children and teenagers better understand they are human beings who can positively contribute to protect the community and the environment: transformations of the latter are felt as a priority and, thus, students learn positive behaviours that on the one hand can enhance their community and, on the other, improve the world we live in.

Here are some strategies used in the project:


  • Thematic lessons on recycling held by Year 7 to Year 9 students who act as mentors and managers of the project in other classes.
  • Monitoring of the daily amount of waste generated by the Educational Centre, as well as of recyclable materials from the outside.
  • Separation of waste in the collection bins.
  • Partnership with cooperatives and professionals specialized in the recycling process.
  • Production of toys and daily use objects from recycled material.


The project not only raises students’ awareness, but it makes them responsible for sharing the best practices and a new vision of the world. This is possible through the implementation of environmental improvement and conservation action plans inside the Educational Centre and outside it, among families and the community.

Get to know the other projects

Academia comunitária

A physical activity and training course in the early morning, dedicated to the ladies living in the neighbourhood: an extra opportunity to employ the centre for the benefit and well-being of the local community.

“Não deixem a vida passar, mas tomem sua vida em suas mãos e decidam fazer dela uma autêntica e pessoal obra-prima!”.

João Paulo II aos jovens, 1985.

“Non ‘lasciatevi vivere’, ma prendete in mano la vostra vita e vogliate decidere di farne un autentico e personale capolavoro!”.

Giovanni Paolo II ai Giovani, 1985.

“Do not let yourselves be carried away by life, but take it into your own hands and decide to make it a true and personal masterpiece!”.

Pope John Paul II to the Youth, 1985.

Mesa Brasil
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