Who we are
Get to Know the Humano Progresso Brasil Association
We promote the empowerment of children and teenagers through education, sports, culture, technology and community partnership initiatives.
The Centro Educativo João Paulo II welcomes 600 children and young people aged 6 to 18, integrating formal education with activities that foster their holistic development. Located in the area formerly known as Novos Alagados, it has been operating since 2000, providing a safe and educational environment in the morning or afternoon, complementing school hours. The center is managed by the Brazilian organization Associação Humano Progresso Brasil, with support from the Italian Fondazione Umano Progresso.
Discover more about our work and impact.
The primary concern of a true and adequate education is to educate the heart of man according to how it was originally created. True education is the education of the human being within us.
Luigi Giussani
See our lAtest news
Folia de Reis 2024: Tradition, Faith and Culture
The most eagerly awaited traditional event of the year, Folia de Reis, was celebrated with great enthusiasm on December 7 and 10, 2024, drawing...
Family Celebration: A Gathering of Joy and Emotions
On November 29, the students of the Educational Center presented the long-awaited Family Celebration, an event that traditionally marks the end of...
Our teams at the championship finals
Strength, determination, unity: it’s the Nova Geração! In the annual sports calendar, October is the month of finals. Finals for any team sport...
Participation in the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad – OBR
In 2024, the Centro Educativo João Paulo II participated for the first time in the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad (OBR) in the practical modality, with...
Talent show
In October, the traditional Children’s Day celebration, coinciding with the day dedicated to Nossa Senhora Aparecida, was celebrated at Centro...
Robotics Exhibition
On September 28 and 29, as part of the 8th edition of the Subúrbio Ferroviário Sports Festival, the Robotics Exhibition was held with great success,...
How to donate and help children
It’s easy!
If you wish, you can help us by donating materials such as equipment and sports gear, books, notebooks, educational supplies, non-perishable food, cleaning products, computers and technological resources. These are essential items that we use daily to support the growth and development of our children and youth.
Would you like to volunteer and dedicate some of your time and knowledge? Welcome to our team!
Write to us now at contato@humanoprogresso.org.br.

Discover some of our projects
The project was approved by the Ministry of Sports and financed by Itaú Bank through the tax incentive mechanisms provided by the Sports Incentive Law, starting its activities in August 2024.
The visual health project, promoted annually by the Italian MEI Foundation, offers students of the Centro Educativo João Paulo II a free eye exam and if necessary, prescription eyeglasses.
The psychological support work at the Centro Educativo João Paulo II aims to help children, pre-adolescents and adolescents better manage their emotions.
Mission Bambini, based in Milan, is an International Non-Governmental Organization that carries out numerous interventions worldwide to support children.
At the Centro Educativo João Paulo II, students are responsible for the school garden, a space where they learn to plant, cultivate and harvest various types of vegetables, medicinal herbs and decorative plants.
In collaboration with other associations and international organizations, the AVSI Foundation has supported numerous initiatives and projects in a peripheral area of the city, including the Centro Educativo João Paulo II.
Meet some of our partners
A heartfelt thank you to all our friends and benefactors who prefer to remain anonymous. Without their support, many of our activities would not be possible!

The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Sports and the Sports Incentive Law, presents:
The Nova Geração is coming!
“Do not let yourselves be carried away by life, but take it into your own hands and decide to make it a true and personal masterpiece!”.
Pope John Paul II to the Youth, 1985.