Academia comunitária

03 / 04 / 2019

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Every morning, from 7:00 to 7:50 (Centre opening hour for students), upon request of a group of women living in the neighbourhood, the João Paulo II Educational Centre provides health services at the Academia Comunitária gym.

The group is led by Girlene and meets to do some physical activity; it is mainly composed of women, many of whom are mothers of the students of the Centre. Participation in the activities is free and open to anyone; only requirement is the medical certificate that proves ability to play sports.

This is the best good morning possible for the staff arriving at the João Paulo II Educational Centre thanks to the great music and joy coming from the group.

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“Não deixem a vida passar, mas tomem sua vida em suas mãos e decidam fazer dela uma autêntica e pessoal obra-prima!”.

João Paulo II aos jovens, 1985.

“Non ‘lasciatevi vivere’, ma prendete in mano la vostra vita e vogliate decidere di farne un autentico e personale capolavoro!”.

Giovanni Paolo II ai Giovani, 1985.

“Do not let yourselves be carried away by life, but take it into your own hands and decide to make it a true and personal masterpiece!”.

Pope John Paul II to the Youth, 1985.

Mesa Brasil
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