Covid-19 actions
The health emergency caused by the spread of the Coronavirus has profoundly changed our lives.
Watch the video of our activities in time of Covid-19
The John Paul II Educational Centre began the activities of the year 2020 at the maximum of its reception capacity and, from one day to the nex, it found itself completely empty.
After the initial impact, which left us almost without reaction, starting from the month of May we were able to create a new form of presence at the Educational Center, always following scrupulously the health directives and the rules for the reopening of the activities, which have been gradually issued by the competent authorities, in order to continue to offer support to the community.
Depois do primeiro choque, a partir do mês de maio conseguimos retomar uma presença no Centro Educativo e, portanto, na comunidade, de acordo com o plano de reabertura das atividades decretado pelas autoridades competentes.
Weekly delivery of school activities, printed on A4 sheets, for families who have signed up for receiving them. The activities are corrected by the teachers and delivered with the observations to the pupils.
Donation to our families of food, cleaning products and hygiene products, in particular alcohol and alcohol gel
Reopening of the sports school, for children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years, in the allowed sports modes, which are 5-a-side football, basketball and handball, following the protocols and restrictions provided for by current legislation, following the health emergency
Opening of courses for teenagers from 12 years old, always in compliance with the health determinations provided by the competent authorities: Computer Science Course, basic English, intermediate English, financial education and entrepreneurship, environmental education and urban garden, graphic designer, mathematics basic, intermediate mathematics, basic Portuguese, intermediate Portuguese.
Constant publication in social networks of educational, training and informative contents, related to the health emergency situation and as a form of improving of curiosity and learning.
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