Personal Data Protection Policy
Welcome to the consent form for data processing from the Associação Humano Progresso Brasil. This document is part of the Data Protection Policy of the Associação Humano Progresso Brasil. We take the storage and protection of our users’ data very seriously, and we are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of all your personal data during the provision of our services and other activities related to our Institution, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/2018).
Our students, parents, employees, suppliers, funders, donors, and partners are considered the DATA SUBJECTS.
Associação Humano Progresso Brasil, a private legal entity duly registered with the CNPJ/MF under number 17.112.290/0001-68, located at Rua Frederico Simoes, 98, Edf Advanced Trade, Sala 1314, Caminho das Árvores, Salvador- BA, CEP: 41820-774.
Through this term, the DATA SUBJECT freely, informedly, and unequivocally consents to the processing of their personal data for the purposes outlined here.
The Institution is committed to handling data relating to children and adolescents with particular care, in accordance with the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA) – Law No. 8069 of July 13, 1990. Considering that the beneficiaries of the Association are children and adolescents, the Institution must ensure the protection and confidentiality of such data, adopting all necessary measures to ensure the privacy and security of the information.
Due to the nature of its activities and to provide services, the Association processes the personal data of minors under 18 with the consent of their parents or legal guardians, always prioritizing the best interests of the child and adolescent.
In the event of abuse, neglect, mistreatment, or any crime against children and adolescents—mentioning some possible situations of evident denial of the rights of children and adolescents—the Institution has the legal obligation to report such events to the competent authorities, according to the guidelines established by the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA) and other current regulations, with penalties for failing to act.
The DATA SUBJECT consents to the processing of the following personal data, pursuant to Art. 9 of the LGPD:
a) Registration data such as: name, identity document (RG), Taxpayer Number (CPF), address, email;
b) Device data used to access our services;
c) Sensitive data, such as racial or ethnic origin; religious belief; political opinion; union or membership in a religious, philosophical, or political organization; data related to health or sexual life; genetic or biometric data, among others;
d) Right to use images and sounds.
The DATA SUBJECT consents to the processing of personal data as outlined above for the following purposes, under Art. 9 of the LGPD:
a) To enable registrations, enrollments, and re-enrollment;
b) To comply with legal and regulatory obligations on data use, which may involve sharing with authorities and data retention;
c) To ensure the safety of the Student;
d) To provide educational, sports, psychosocial assistance, and other services related to the Association’s operations;
f) To promote events and activities conducted by the Association to the community and public;
g) To enable the creation of pedagogical and administrative processes related to the provided services;
h) To ensure the life and health of Students;
i) To assist in emergency situations;
j) To develop teaching techniques for students with special educational needs;
k) To contact Legal Guardians and send newsletters and communications;
l) To issue documents such as receipts and other necessary declarations;
m) To comply with the obligations imposed by the Civil Internet Framework (Law No. 12.965/2014);
n) To receive doubts, suggestions, and feedback regarding the Association and create an easy contact channel;
o) To allow historical data analysis to improve the social services provided to the community and the institution’s target public;
p) To contact former students and families to propose new services and projects that may meet their needs.
We rely on the help of suppliers and partners who may process the personal data we collect. We always carefully evaluate our suppliers and establish contractual obligations with them regarding information security and personal data protection to ensure data security for the data subjects. These include, for example:
1. Competent judicial, administrative, or government authorities, whenever there is a request, legal summons, or court order;
2. Cloud service providers for data hosting or companies responsible for data management, storage, and security.
3. Commercial Partners for the supervision and execution of the services provided or of interest to the Associação Humano Progresso Brasil;
4. Public or private funders and partners.
In specific situations, personal data may be transferred to countries that legally comply with Brazilian data protection laws.
The GUARANTOR may carry out international transfers of personal data when there are partnerships with companies, foundations, institutes, or other organizations based in foreign countries, to achieve the goals set in partnerships or agreements, in accordance with the statutory purposes of the Association.
In these cases, data will be processed and transmitted in compliance with the applicable national regulations.
The GUARANTOR will implement appropriate technical and administrative security measures to protect the personal data of the DATA SUBJECT from unauthorized access, as well as from destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, or any form of inappropriate or unlawful processing.
The GUARANTOR, individually or jointly with other data controllers, will be responsible to the DATA SUBJECT for any potential harm resulting from the processing of personal data described in this document.
The DATA SUBJECT has the right to withdraw their consent at any time by addressing a request to the designated personal data protection officer.
8. Single paragraph: The processing activities lawfully carried out with the personal data of the DATA SUBJECT until the consent is revoked will be validated as long as the withdrawal request has not been made, in accordance with article 16 of Federal Law No. 13.709/2018.
The processing of the data subject to this document will cease:
A. Upon the exhaustion of the purposes mentioned in the “PURPOSES” clause;
B. When the DATA SUBJECT revokes their consent, as per the previous clause.
10. The consent expressed by the data subject is given under the strict terms outlined in this document and cannot be used for purposes other than those described here.
This version of the Privacy Policy was last updated on:
The responsible parties may maintain contact with Associação Humano Progresso Brasil through the PERSONAL DATA PROCESSOR, Paola Cigarini, via the service channel, for:
a) Asking questions and/or providing feedback on this Policy and institutional privacy and data protection practices.
b) Filing a complaint and/or suggestion.
c) Confirming the existence of personal data processing or sensitive personal data of the minor beneficiary of the contract at the Associação Humano Progresso Brasil.
d) Obtaining information on how to access their personal data.
e) Correcting incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal data.
f) Receiving information regarding the possibility of maintaining anonymity, blocking, or deleting unnecessary, excessive, or improperly processed data under current legislation.
g) Obtaining information on the portability of personal data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with current law.
h) Requesting the deletion of personal data processed with their consent, unless otherwise specified by applicable law.
i) Requesting details of public and private entities with which Associação Humano Progresso Brasil shares personal data.
j) Obtaining information about the potential refusal of consent and the consequences of such refusal.
k) Revoking consent for the processing of personal data, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.
l) Exercising other rights of the data subject under current legislation.
If you are interested in learning more about this Personal Data Processing Policy or have questions, contact our officer at:
We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time, particularly to adapt them to any changes made to our website, whether by making new features available or removing or modifying existing ones.
Whenever a change is made, our users will be informed about the modification.