Participation in the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad – OBR

18 / 10 / 2024

In 2024, the Centro Educativo João Paulo II participated for the first time in the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad (OBR) in the practical modality, with two teams: ProDelta and Pro D. Geeks, made up of students from 7th and 8th grade. The competition, held at level 1, brought together 32 teams from various schools, making the challenge even more exciting and competitive.

The ProDelta team stood out by securing 7th place, while the Pro D. Geeks finished in 22nd place, both demonstrating immense effort, determination and resilience. However, the great achievement came in the MAKER category, where our students secured 1st place with an innovative and sustainable project: a line-following robot primarily made from 3D-printed components and recyclable materials, improving its performance in the competition.

Beyond the results, the experience was extraordinary for all involved. The students not only showcased technical competence but also autonomy, courage and determination. Amid moments of tension, tears and celebrations, they won the admiration of the audience and stood out for their creativity.

The event also helped strengthen values such as teamwork, resilience and the pursuit of innovation among the participants. Now, the teams are already looking ahead, promising to return even stronger next year in search of the top spot and more awards, maintaining the curious and cheerful spirit that made this year’s experience so special!

“Não deixem a vida passar, mas tomem sua vida em suas mãos e decidam fazer dela uma autêntica e pessoal obra-prima!”.

João Paulo II aos jovens, 1985.

“Non ‘lasciatevi vivere’, ma prendete in mano la vostra vita e vogliate decidere di farne un autentico e personale capolavoro!”.

Giovanni Paolo II ai Giovani, 1985.

“Do not let yourselves be carried away by life, but take it into your own hands and decide to make it a true and personal masterpiece!”.

Pope John Paul II to the Youth, 1985.

Mesa Brasil
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