Family Celebration: A Gathering of Joy and Emotions

30 / 11 / 2024

On November 29, the students of the Educational Center presented the long-awaited Family Celebration, an event that traditionally marks the end of the academic year. This annual event is much more than just a celebration; it is a unique opportunity to strengthen the bonds between parents, children, teenagers and teachers.‬

The atmosphere of joy and unity was evident in every detail and the performances during the event reflected this spirit. The highlight of the celebration was the Christmas play, a touching performance prepared by the 1st to 3rd-year classes, which showcased the true essence of Christmas: love, sharing and hope.‬

Additionally, the 6th, 7th and 8th-year students delighted the audience with a choir performance featuring traditional Christmas carols. The musical repertoire included not only classic holiday songs but also a creative parody that expressed the students’ deep gratitude for being part of such a warm and welcoming environment as the Educational Center.‬

To further enrich the event, some of the most notable performances from the school year were presented again. Among them, the works related to the Literary Project stood out, highlighting the students’ creativity and talent, along with choreographies, songs and dances performed during the talent festival.‬

The Family Celebration was a joyful occasion that concluded the school year in a special way, leaving everyone with the certainty that education goes far beyond classroom lessons: it is made up of encounters, stories and experiences that last a lifetime.‬

“Não deixem a vida passar, mas tomem sua vida em suas mãos e decidam fazer dela uma autêntica e pessoal obra-prima!”.

João Paulo II aos jovens, 1985.

“Non ‘lasciatevi vivere’, ma prendete in mano la vostra vita e vogliate decidere di farne un autentico e personale capolavoro!”.

Giovanni Paolo II ai Giovani, 1985.

“Do not let yourselves be carried away by life, but take it into your own hands and decide to make it a true and personal masterpiece!”.

Pope John Paul II to the Youth, 1985.

Mesa Brasil
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